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State testing dates have been announced (see below). Students will be told of their testing room by their 1st period teacher. Testing begins promptly at 7:30. Please encourage your child to do their best, bring testing materials (pencil, calculator, wired earbuds for students with oral presentation accommodation) and eat a healthy breakfast. Be sure to save the date!

Spring 2025 Testing Schedule

Students in 6th grade math will need to bring their 4-function calculator for the day of testing. Please see the calculator tab for more information.

Students who are in 7th grade advanced math will take the 8th grade math FAST assessment on the 7th grade math day. All students who take the 7th or 8th grade math FAST will need to bring their TI30xa calculator. Please see the calculator tab for more information.

Students who are enrolled in Algebra will not take the FAST Math assessment and will take the Algebra EOC. Students in 8th grade Geometry will not take the FAST assessment and will take the Geometry EOC. More information on test design and summary can be found here End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments ( . Students in Algebra or Geometry will need to bring their TI30xa calculator. Please see the calculator tab for more information.

As shown on the calendar, make-up days will be held on a continuous basis. Only certain groups will test on specific make-up days based on staff availability. Students will be notified by their first period teacher if they need to attend the make-up session.